
In our catalog the albums and singles of each musician are published, where you can listen to a reference song.

Mornas Ku Nghuni Nghuniduras
Figa Kanhota
the smell of the earth

From here,

you can access the biography of each Artist,

know their creations,

follow them on their music platforms

and share their music with the world.

Nabuka is a place ...

A space made for meetings

Here everything is what it is and not what it seems ...

The will that gave birth to this space is to include singer-songwriters and independent musicians from different musical fields on the same platform.

Music professionals, with a sense of creative integrity and eager to share the results of their experiences.
People committed to conscious artistic exploration.

The purpose of Nabuka is

Invite the public by the hand of our artists, to the delight and enjoyment of a music that each person can make their own, inhabiting a place from where this art germinates as a human culture, without borders, from where the strength and presence of its roots can be felt. and grow while continuing to expand.